About Travail

Travail is an Astralpunk boffer LARP where players take the role of heroes, adventurers, and scholars from across a universe of different worlds.  As your character enters the game world they have been invited to one of these worlds known as The Travail.

This world is special and was created by a fellowship of individuals who are all heroes, philanthropists, leaders, and overall amazing people. What makes this opportunity even more amazing is that travel between worlds has only just become possible again.

Travel between worlds in the universe abruptly and unexpectedly stopped being possible about a generation ago but is now just as abruptly and unexpectedly a reality again.  When you create your character you’ll decide why they’re going to The Travail, and your character’s story begins when they arrive.

At Travail, anything is possible, and we’re excited to surprise you with engaging and unpredictable stories every event.  We hope you’ll join us and help tell these incredible stories together.

What is Astralpunk?

Travail’s setting incorporates numerous fantasy genres across a universe of different worlds.  Really anything fantasy except modern or science fiction genres can find a home in one of Travail’s potentially infinite worlds. That’s where the “Astral” part comes from. The “Punk” part comes from players being heroes assembling from across the universe to come together and accomplish good through direct action.  The staff is happy to work with you to help bring your vision of your character and their home world to life within Travail and we employ sensitivity readers and diversity consultants to help make sure that the lore added to the game is appropriate and enjoyable for everyone.

How Can I Get Involved?

There are two ways to participate in a Travail event.  You can be a Player Character (PC) or a Non-Player Character (NPC).  PCs purchase a ticket for the event and create a single character to play and continue playing that character from event to event, telling that character’s story and experiencing the worlds that the staff and NPCs create. 

NPCs help tell the stories that the staff has written for the PCs by playing multiple characters, monsters, and helping with the behind-the-scenes part of the game.  NPCs fill the roles of improv actors, stage crew, and combatants in sport combat with safe foam “boffer” weapons. Being an NPC for Travail is free.

Whichever you choose, Travail offers a fun, immersive, action-filled weekend for you and your friends.